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ʱ�䣺2021-02-15 14:53:40 ���� ��ҫͷ��
  • ����ƽ�


����һ��lookers-on see most of the game. �թ����壬�������ԡ�

��������fortune knocks once at everyone's door. ���˶������˵�һ�졣

��������every bean hath its black. �����޹�?

�����ġ�judge not of man and things at first sight. ����ӡ���ѵ����ࡣ

�����塢diamond cut diamond. �����֣��������š�

��������a tale never loses in telling. ����խ��խ����

�����ߡ�ill news flies apace. ���´�ǧ�

�����ˡ�do not quarrel with your bread and butter. ��ҫ���ҷ��롣

�����š�he that travels far knows much. զ���ߣ���ʶ�㡣

����ʮ��when one will not, two cannot quarrel. һ�������ij��졣

����ʮһ��children should be seen but not be heard. ����˵����с������졣

����ʮ����if a man once fall, all will tread on him. �˵����˲ȡ�

����ʮ����fool's haste is no speed. �����򲻴

����ʮ�ġ�a fair death honours the whole life. ��������������������

����ʮ�塢a straw will show which way the wind blows. �ݶ�֪����

����ʮ����when wine sinks, words swim. ����һ�¶ǣ���ϻ�ز�ס��

����ʮ�ߡ�the cheap buyer takes bad meat. �����޺û���

����ʮ�ˡ�short pleasure, long lament. ʹ��һʱ��ʹ��һ����

����ʮ�š�money is the root of all evil. ��ǯ�����֮դ��

������ʮ��grasp all, lose all. �����ã��ؾ�ʧ��

������ʮһ��friendship should not be all on one side. ���꿿˫����

������ʮ����empty vessels make the most noise. ��ƿ�ӳ��죬��ƿ�ӻε���

������ʮ����the day has eyes, the night has ears. ��ҫ�˲�֪�����ǽ�īϊ��

������ʮ�ġ�go while the going is good. ��ʱ���ߣ�������ʱ?(���þ���?)

������ʮ�塢the best mirror is an old friend. ������������

������ʮ����teaching others teaches yourself. ��ѧ�೤��

������ʮ�ߡ�he that is full of himself is very empty. ������󣬸��пտա�

������ʮ�ˡ�do not cry for the moon. �������°첻����

������ʮ�š�do not cry out before you are hurt. û���ˣ����ҽс�

������ʮ��good council has no price. �����޼ۡ�

������ʮһ��a good husband makes a good wife. ���������͡�

������ʮ����a still tongue makes a wise head. ����ϊ�ǡ�

������ʮ����a bad workman always blames his tools. ׾���ֹܹ��߲

������ʮ�ġ�virture is fairer far than beauty. ����զʤ����ò��

������ʮ�塢beauty and folly are often companions. ��ò�����޴���顣

������ʮ����misfortunes never come singly. �������с�

������ʮ�ߡ�cleanliness is next to godliness. ����������¡�

������ʮ�ˡ�absence makes the heart grow fonder. ��������

������ʮ�š�practice makes perfect. �������ɡ�

������ʮ��no fool like an old fool. �ϻ�Ϳ�����Ϳ��

������ʮһ��fortune favours fools. ɵ����ɵ����

������ʮ����among the blinds the one-eyed man is king. ɽ�����ϻ������ӳƴ�����

������ʮ����never make a mountain of a molehill. ����с�������

������ʮ�ġ�fortune favours those who use their judgement. �dz�������

������ʮ�塢merry meet, merry part. �þۺ�ɢ��

������ʮ����heis rich that has few wants. ������ϊ����

������ʮ�ߡ�no way is impossible to courage. ��ʿ��ǰ����·��ͨ��

������ʮ�ˡ�he that begins many things, finishes but few. ̰������á�

������ʮ�š�men make houses, women make homes. ���˸ƿ���ů�˳ּҡ�

������ʮ��least said, soonest mended. ��˵ϊ�ѡ�

������ʮһ��everything comes to him who waits. ���ĵȴ������½գɡ�

������ʮ����love me, love my dog. ���ݼ��ڡ�

������ʮ����if it were not for the hope, the heart would break. ������ϣ��������γ��ϡ�

������ʮ�ġ�an evil lesson is soon learned. ��ϰ��ⱦ��

������ʮ�塢hedge have eyes and walls have ears. ������ۣ�ǽ�ڳ�����

������ʮ����let bygones be bygones. �������̡���һ�²�����һ�¡�

������ʮ�ߡ�what is done by night appears by day. ��ҫ�˲�֪�����ǽ�īϊ��

������ʮ�ˡ�the fox may grow grey, but never good. ��ɽ�׸ģ��������ơ�

������ʮ�š�reason is the guide and light of life. �����������ĵ�����

������ʮ��all roads lead to rome. ������·ͨ������










