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ʱ�䣺2023-03-06 11:09:24 ̨�� ��ҫͷ��
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����1. maybe we smart people have too many goals in our heads, so we forget to be persistent.ҳ��������щ������,�դ�����װ��ŀ��̫��,��������ִ�š�����������������

����2. i will avenge those who dare to harm and poison my companions.��щ���ҳк�ݱ����ͬ��֮��,�ҽ������ǵ�ʩ����������������������

����3. dont be afraid. death is a part of life. its something were destined to do. i dont know whats going on, but im destined to be your mother, and ill do my best.����,������������һ����,������ע��ҫȥ����һ���¡��ҳ�֪����ô����,����ע�����������,�����ҿ��ҵ�ȫ��ȥ���á�����������������

����4. i don��t know if we each have a destiny, or if we��re all just floating around accidental��like on a breeze.�ҳ��������ƿ����ÿ��ե�����,����ֻ�ǵ������ʈ����

����5. ��life is like a box of chocolates. you never know what youre gonna get.���������һ���ɿ���,����զ��֪�����õ�ʲô��


����7. although everyone says im stupid, i dont know love.��ȼ�����˶�˵�ҵ�,���ҳ����dz�����������������������

����8. mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. you never know what you re gonna get.����˵�������һ���ɿ���,����զ����֪�����õ�ʲô������������������

����9. only those who do stupid things are fools.ֻ����ɵ�µ��˲���ɵ�ӡ�����������������

����10. bad things happen.����������ᷢ��������������������



����13. you almost succeeded, but youre not strong enough. if you succeeded, you wouldnt be here.����ͳɹ���,���㲻����ǿ�������ɹ��˾ͳ������������ˡ�����������������

����14. dont let others say they are better than you. if god wants everyone to be the same, he will give everyone a double leg support.��ҫ�ñ���˵���dz���ǿ,����ϵ�ҫ�����˶�һ����'��,�����ÿ��һ˫��֧�ܡ�����������������


����16. the only constant in the world is change. you cant wait until everything is ready.������ψһ�ij�����dz�,�㲻�ܵȵ�һ��׼�������ٳ���������������������

����17. dont let others say that he is better than you. if god wants people to be equal, he will give us all leg hoops.���ñ���˵������ǿ,����ϵ۵�ּ��ҫ��ƽ��,����������������ȹ�������������������



����20. if theres anything you need , i wont be far away .


����22. everyone knows that this is not true, but my mother says it is just a white lie and it wont hurt anyone.˭��֪���ⲻ���滰,������˵��ֻ��һ������ļ���,�������˺��κ��ˡ�����������������

����23. life was like a box of chocolate ,you never know what youre gonna get.��������һ���ɿ���,����զ��֪����һ����ʲôζ����


����i dont know whether we all have our own destiny, or just like the wind, everything is accidental. but i think maybe there are both sides, maybe both sides will happen at the same time.�ҳ�֪�������ƿ��и��ե�����,�ֻ�ֻ�����һ��һ�ж���żȼ��������ҳ�����涼��,ҳ�������ͬʱ����������������������



















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����1. if you are ever in trouble, dont try to be brave,just run, just run away.���������鷳,��ҫ��ǿ,�����,զզ�ܿ�������������������


����3. im not a smart man, but i know what love is.��ҳ����������,����֪����ϊ���

����4. are u stupid something? mama says,stupid is as stupid does!



����7. i dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidentally�dlike on a breeze.�ҳ��������ƿ����ÿ��ե�����,����ֻ�ǵ������ʈ����


����9. iam not smart,but i know what love is!�ҳ�������,������֪����ϊ���

����10. i dont think that when people grow up, they will become more broadminded and can accept everything. conversely, i think its a selecting process, knowing whats the most important and whats the least. and then be a simple man.�ҳ������˵����dz�����խ��խ���ݺ���,ʲô�����խ��ܡ��෴,�ҿ�����ӧ����һ�����޳��ĺ���,֪���լ�����ҫ����ʲô,֪������ҫ�ķ�����ʲô������,��һ��������ˡ�

����11. you have to do the best with what god gave you.�ϵ۸������,ҫ���鷢�ӡ�



����14. now mama said theres only so much fortune.����˵���ʋ�����̫�ࡣ a man really needs.һ�����ò��˶��١� and the rest is just for showing off.�����ǯֻ��������ҫ��


����16. its my time. itsjust my time. oh, now, dont you be afraid sweetheart. death is just a part oflife, something were all destined to do. i didnt know it.but i wasdestined tobe your momma. i did the best i could.



����19. i dont know whether we have our own destiny, or the chance in our life, like floating in the wind, maybe the two happen at the same time.�ҳ��������ƿ����ÿ��ե�����,�������������е�`żȼ,���ڷ���ʈ,��������ͬʱ����������������������

����20. you come close��but you never made it ��and if you were gonna make it��you would have made it before now ������ͳɹ��ˣ����㲻����ǿ�������ɹ��˾ͳ������������ˡ�


����22. the secret to this game is, no matter what happens, never, ever take your eye off the ball.


����24. why are you so good to me? youre my girl. ill always be your girl.

����stupid is as stupid does. (����������,ҳ������ϊɵ����ɵ��)

����miracles happen every day. (�漣ÿ�춼�ڷ���)

����25.death is just a part of life, something we��re all destined to do.(������������һ����,������ע��ҫ����һ����)

����26.i don��t know if we each have a destiny, or if we��re all just floating around accidental��like on a breeze.(�ҳ��������ƿ����ÿ��ե�����,����ֻ�ǵ������ʈ��)























































����1. there is only so much wealth that people really need, and the rest is just for showing off.��������ҫ�ijƹ�ֻ����ôһщ,ʣ�µ�ֻ������������ҫ���ˡ�����������������


����3. i want to be a bird so that i can fly away from here.�����ϊһֻ��,�����ҿ��է�,զզ���뿪�������������������

����4. im just a poor idiot, but now i have to take care of all mankind.��ֻ�ǹ������i׳�,�����ȴ���չ�ȫ���ࡣ����������������


����6. im not smart, but i know what love is.�ҳ�����,����֪��ʲô�ǰ��顣����������������

����7. you have got to putthe past behind you before you can move on.������׸,����ǰ����


����9. ts my time. its just my time. oh, now, dont you be afraid sweetheart. death is just a part of life, something were all destined to do. i didnt know it. but i was destined to be your momma. i did the best i could.

����10. if you are ever introuble, don��t try to be brave, just run, just run away.

����11. from that day on, if i want to go somewhere, i run.��������,�����ҫȥʲô�ط�,������ȥ������������������

����12. nobody gives a horses shit who you are,puss ball.


����14. must be able to look back on the past and sigh: at least i didnt live a mediocre life.һ��ҫ���ڻ���ǰ��ʱ��̾:������û��ӹӹµµ��һ��������������������

����15. you should do your best with what god has given.��ҫƾ���ϵ��������������á�����������������


����17. there is an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes. where theyre going. where theyve been.

����18. the key to playing table tennis is never to look away from the ball no matter what happens.��ƹ����ĺؼ���,���۷���ʲô,��զ��ҫ��ŀ���뿪�򡣡���������������

����19. if there is anything you need, i will not be far away.ֻҫ����ҫ,�ҿ���զ�����������������

����20. days are like turtles. i almost think time is flowing backwards.�����������,�ҽ�����ϊʱ���ڵ���������������������

����21. ill be here as long as you need it. im not smart, but i know what love is.ֻҫ����ҫ,�ҿ�������ҳ�������,����֪��ʲô�ǰ��顣����������������

����22. there ain��t something you can find just around the corner.

����23. if you need anything, please let me know. im not far from you.�����ʲô��ҫ,�������,�ҿ������㲻զ�ĵط�������������������


����25. my mother said that i dont need too much property. i cant use much by myself. the extra money is just for showing off.����˵���ʋ�����̫��,һ�����ò��˶���,�����ǯֻ��������ҫ������������������

����26. my mama always said life was like a box of chocolates,you never know what youre going to get.




����30. you can know a lot about others through their shoes.ͨ���˼ҵ�ь�����˽���˺ܶ�ķ���������������������

����31. if god wants everyone to be the same, he will give everyone a pair of feet.����ϵ�ҫ�����˶�һ���ļ�,�����ÿ��һ˫���ơ�����������������

����32. if you are in trouble, dont try to be brave, just run away and run away.���������鷳,��ҫ��ǿ,�����,զզ�ܿ�������������������

����33. only when you forget the past can you move on.��ֻ����������������,���ܹ�����ǰ��������������������

����34. they just dont believe that some people run for nothing.���ǿ��dz�����,��щ���ܲ�ʲô����ϊ������������������

����35. death is only a part of life, which we are destined to face. i dont know, but im destined to be your mother, so ill try my best.����ֻ��������һ����,������ע��ҫ��ե�,�ҳ�֪��,����ע��ҫ���������,�ҿ;������á�����������������



����38. i believe you will control your destiny and do your best with what god has given you.�������������������,��ҫƾ���ϵ۸������������á�����������������

����39. my mother always told me that there will be miracles every day. some people dont agree, but its true.�������ƕ���˵,ÿ�춼�����漣����щ�˲�����ͬ,��������ġ�����������������


����the road ahead is boundless. all you can do is believe in yourself unconditionally, and then play with your life.ǰ·ãã,��������,�����������������լ�,ȼ��ȥ����������������������


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