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ʱ�䣺2024-03-19 10:38:25 ���� ̨�� ��ҫͷ��
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����1.youre ignoring the square-cube law. the giant ant would be crushed under the weight of its own exoskeleton. and for the record, the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hoverboard, transporter, batmobile, and then giant ant.


����2.well, well, well. if it isnt wil wheaton. the green goblin to my spiderman. the pope paul v to my galileo. the internet explorer to my firefox.


����3.i dont know if stewart told you what youre up against tonight, but before you stands the co-captain of the east texas christian youth holy roller bowling league championship team. seven- to twelve-year-old division.

����4.a common spare. the miss congeniality of the bowling pageant.


����5.oh, yes, it was a lot of work to accommodate you in my life. id hate for that effort to be in vain.


����6.my existence is a continuum, so ive been what i am at each point in the implied time period.


����7.thats the sauce my mother uses. she likes cooking italian because according to her, thats what the romans made jesus eat.


����8.we had dinner last night. she made me spaghetti with little hot dogs cut up in it. well, little hot dog. i gave up the other five hot dogs to a real dog. a real big dog. a hell hound. tangential to the primary story, how about i circle back to it?


����9.now, listen. on the of the great minds of the 21st century is about to play host to one of the other great minds of the 21st century. so pay attention: years from now my biographer might ask you about this event.


����10.i apologize. hes only an experimental physicist.



�������˹�л���١�����sheldon cooper(��ķ����ɭ˹��)�����ɵ¡�����˹����leonard hofstadter(լ���ᡤ�ƕ�������)��һ�ժ����ѣ����ǵ����̾��ը���һ�ȣ���ϊ���ƕ���������ѧ���ۿ��ե���������������������ʲô���⣬���ѳ������ǡ�����˵���ճ�������������ޱ߷����к��ͳ���û��ƣ���������в���������щ���ƽ򵥵����飬ȴ����������ʧ��̫����һ���ĸо������������յ���щ��ѧԭ�����������û������֮�ء�ֱ����һ�죬���ڰ���һλ��ò�ըе�ů������penny(���١������)����ʱ���������ɵ�leonard��ŀ�⡣����penny�ǹ������ϊ��ա��ů������һֱû���ܳɹ���ƽʱֻ���ڿ�͵�򹤣������կ��ʣ��������ƣ���λ�����ɵ�leonard��л����sheldon��ȼ��ͬ��׷��ʱ�е������ˣ�����ҫ�������ոձ�ɵ�����

�������ɵ�leonard��л����sheldon�������������ѡ�����ϊ�ǻ������ӵļ����¡�����ά��howard wolowitz(���ɡ��ն�������)�������լ��ǽ�������ѧժ��"����ŵ��"(1725-1798�������ð�ռң�����д�i�����������������µġ��դ��������ƣ������ôʱ�����ϊ"�������ӣ���ɫ֮ͽ")����������������椣����븺�������ļ���̽���ƻ�����ʵ������howard�����ǹ�ϲ����һщ��ʱ���ֶΰ��õļһ�ܶ�ʱ�����i����ַ����öէ��е����ġ�����ӡ�ȵ�����ʲ����˹������rajesh koothrappali(��觡�������)�������صġ������խ����ϰ�֢�����������ڳ���ʱ�������޷�˵����ֻ���ں����ժ�������ڵ���ů��������һ����ů���ĸ���ѧ��լ�ĺ��¾�������ц������ȼ��ʼ���ݡ�


����1��i just think in relationships, you get back what you put into them.


����2��ah, hes spoiling me and i love it.


����3��if ive learned anything from british televishion shows on pbs, its that servants dine downstairs with their own kind.


����4��its just that all the years ive known him, hes never had the opportunity to receive my admiration.












